
I’m leaving WordPress!

Happy Monday! Quickie blog post to let all my subscribers know I’ll be leaving WordPress soon and heading over to Squarespace on Thursday.

Will the website URL change?

Nope! If you go to SaraDobieBauer.com, you’ll still end up on my website; it’ll just look different.

What does this mean for blog subscribers?

I sadly can’t transfer my blog subscribers, so you won’t automatically receive emails whenever I post a new blog anymore.

What can you do?

To keep up with everything that’s happening, follow me on social media:




Facebook private group



What about upcoming book releases?

If you follow me on Amazon, you’ll receive an email every time a new Sara Dobie Bauer book comes out!

Thanks to everyone who has followed my publication journey. Even though I won’t be blogging on WordPress anymore, I’ll still be blogging at my new site. Please keep in touch!


One month until Paris

I’ll be flying to Paris one month from today, and I’ll be gone for three entire weeks. Maybe, possibly, I’m freaking out a little?

If you don’t know WHY I’m going to Paris for three weeks, read the full story HERE.

I do hope to stay at Shakespeare and Company, although I do have back up accommodations, just in case. I’ve rented a tiny Airbnb in the Marais district (the gay, artsy district, which was a no-brainer for me).

I’ve started ordering necessary items like:

A heavy duty overnight bag for “Tumbleweeding” at S&C.

Boots for walking in the spring rain with my post-op feet.

Pajamas that are appropriate to wear in a communal living space.

An eye mask and ear plugs, because obviously.

I’ve been lucky to get “tips” from many of my traveler friends (husband included), so I know what to pack and how to prepare.

I had drinks with a French-speaking buddy last week. We spoke almost only French for the duration until everyone at my local townie bar thought we’d gone nuts.

I’ve looked into the usual tourist stuff: Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the opera house …

Thanks to sites like Atlas Obscura, I’ve discovered creepy stuff like Pere Lachaise Cemetery, the catacombs, and even the Museum of Vampires and Legendary Creatures.

Oh, and haunts like Harry’s New York Bar (where famous literary ex-pats used to hang) and Silencio (a bar designed by David Lynch).

I’m excited about all of this, but I’m also stressing.

I don’t know why I’m stressing. I think it’s the build up to leaving. Once I’m in Paris, I imagine I’ll calm down because all the planning and thinking will be over. I’ll be there, in the moment. That is the goal, after all: live in the moment and find some peace.

I’ll be backing out of social media as much as possible. I’ll be writing, but only if the writing makes me happy. I hope to help out around Shakespeare and Company. I’ll eat French food and drink black coffee and red wine. I will slow down enough to see things, look at things, appreciate things. I hope Paris chills me out, and I hope I bring that chill home with me.

I just can’t believe this is all happening in a month.

I’m not freaking out.

I’m kind of freaking out.

This is gonna be freaking awesome.


Mental Health

What bullying does to brilliance

There’s this teenager I know. She’s brilliant, way mature for her age. She reads books I read and discusses them with a level of intellect and understanding that never fails to amaze. Let’s call her Emily. Then, I received the news yesterday …

Due to suicide speak, cutting, and bulimia, Emily has been placed in a special care facility. She’s only thirteen. When asked what caused all this, Emily admits it was bullying.

Once upon a time, Emily dated the middle school star. He was an athlete and popular kid, whereas Emily was quiet, snarky, and smart. She only recently discovered her preference for girls. In fact, Emily broke up with Mr. Popularity to date a girl, but beware the delicate egos of teenage boys.

Emily’s ex-boyfriend built an Instagram account for the sole purpose of terrorizing her. Via that account, he sent message after message:

You’re ugly.

You’re fat.

You’re going to hell.

Sadly, Emily started to believe this boy’s vitriol, and although she probably had some simmering depression issues already (as do many girls going through puberty), this bullying pushed her into a deep, dark hole where suicide seemed the best recourse.

The eating disorder flourished, too. Emily began counting the amount of carrots she ate. She started watching her mother cook dinner, making sure she didn’t use too much butter. Even when she did eat, Emily soon disappeared to purge. She lost thirty pounds.

Eventually, the cruel Instagram account was discovered, and the middle school principal kindly asked Mr. Popularity to stop harassing Emily. The principal spoke to the boy’s parents but not Emily’s. Apparently, Emily wasn’t important enough to enter the discussion. I’m sure the principal assumed she would be fine. A little bit of bullying? No big deal.

Well, she’s not fine. Her parents can’t leave her alone for fear of what she might do. She spends her days at the care center on a strict diet, surrounded by 12-18-year-old kids like her. They attend support groups and talk through their problems. Emily hopes to return to normal school by the end of March.

But what awaits her then? More bullying? Will Mr. Popularity come back for more? Will the principal acknowledge the bullying? Will the principal care? Will anyone care?

A couple weeks ago, a local sixth grader committed suicide by slitting her wrists. This was not a passive attempt; this was violent dedication. I don’t know why she chose to end her life, but I do wonder how a sixth grader arrived in such a dark place.

It seems like a vague broad stroke to blame society or social media, but I don’t know where else to look. When I was in sixth grade, I didn’t know what suicide was. I was most concerned with my grades, not my mental health. Shit, I didn’t know what “mental health” was. Kids today do. They’ve become experts at being sad, confused, and sometimes cruel.

I’m scared for them. I want to hug all of them, especially Emily as they treat the sores in her throat from months of purging and keep her away from sharp objects. This little girl has so much promise—a truly amazing youth—and some dumb idiot bully robbed her joy and distorted her self-image.

I don’t have answers. I do think about that old CSNY song … “Teach your children well.” Mr. Popularity might have earned a little slap on the wrist, but I doubt he understands the full ramifications of his actions. I’m sure he doesn’t know the destruction he caused, but maybe if he did, he would stop bullying instead of moving on to the next victim.

Similarly, it appears discussing mental health needs to happen early. When I was in elementary school a hundred years ago, we never talked about depression, anxiety, or eating disorders. Maybe we should, just so kids can understand that there is help if they’re sad. However, flip that coin, and educating them early might impart the knowledge to hurt themselves. How much do we want our kids to know anyway? How early are we willing to lose that innocence?

It’s all just a mess. I wish I knew what to do. I wish I could help Emily—and I do try, as best as I can, but it’s not enough. Cutting can be perceived as an addiction, and we all know addicts won’t get well unless they make that choice; other people can’t make it for them. Maybe that’s what Emily is going through now. She must decide to put the razor down and eat again, and I hope she will. The world is a much brighter place with her in it.

Please listen to your kids. Keep an eye on them, but don’t hover because that will undoubtedly push them away. Love them. Just love them.

Mental Health

Holiday cheer?

On our descent into O’Hare International Airport in Chicago Friday night, we passed through a thick layer of fog/smog. Not sure which. This was after a week of Christmas celebrations and travel with two non-functional post-op feet. A week of very little alone time for a woman who loves alone time.

Anyway, we had to fly through fog, okay? But then, once the fog broke, there were all these little lights. If you’ve ever flown at night, you’re aware there are little lights. This was different. These were Christmas lights. Teeny tiny Christmas lights decorated little Monopoly-sized houses that got bigger and bigger as we descended into O’Hare.

It was … beautiful. All those houses lit with glimmering lights of green, blue, red, et cetera. Houses I will never see up close, decorated by people I will never meet. It didn’t matter. It was a sight that took my breath away.

Friday night, I was tired. I was grumpy. I was in pain. All of it went away when I saw all those twinkle lights beneath the fog.

I suppose the metaphor is obvious, but let’s reiterate: beneath all the shit is something beautiful. Beneath all the sadness and tough times you’re going through, something meaningful awaits. We don’t go through shit for no reason. We don’t float through the fogs of mental illness/death/worthlessness/name your poison for nothing.

Eventually, twinkle lights show up and remind us that life is beautiful. It’s easy to forget, especially during this difficult time of year when we’re supposed to be jolly and blah blah happy blah joy to the world blaaaaaaaaah. Most of us aren’t fucking jolly, okay? We’re sad and stressed and just want the parties to be over.

Then, there were those tiny lights decorating houses in Chicago, and BOOM.



A wily giggle.

Sorry if you’re going through the fog right now. I know I have been. And no, the lights didn’t heal everything, but they made me remember that life is pretty damn good. Yeah, we pass through dark times, but there’s light eventually. We just gotta be strong and wait. Trust me; the light shows up when you least expect it.

We Still Live

WE STILL LIVE: This angsty MM romance will make you cry and sigh

“A very addictive read.”

“Make sure you have your box of tissues available.”

“So very emotional, yet so powerful.”

“Loved every freaking word.”

“This book just about killed me.”

“Stunning … Couldn’t put it down.”

To say I’ve been pleased with the We Still Live reviews would be a massive understatement. I knew this tragic story about the after-effects of a college shooting meant a lot to me; I had no idea it would mean so much to other people … and today, it’s available to all in both paperback and eBook.


About the book:

Running from a scandal that ruined his life, Isaac Twain accepts a teaching position at Hambden University where, three months prior, Professor John Conlon stopped a campus nightmare by stepping in front of an active shooter.

When John and Isaac become faculty advisors for the school’s literary magazine, their professional relationship evolves. Despite the strict code of conduct forbidding faculty fraternization, they delve into a secret affair—until Simon arrives.

Isaac’s violent ex threatens not only their careers, but also John’s life. His PTSD triggered, John must come to terms with that bloody day on College Green while Isaac must accept the heartbreak his secrets have wrought.

***WE STILL LIVE is a standalone M/M friends-to-lovers romance featuring detailed adult content, graphic violence, hurt/comfort, and mental illness.***

Some things of note:

  • If you’ve ever been to Athens, Ohio, the home of my alma mater, Ohio University, you’re going to recognize this setting.
  • If you’re familiar with young actor Timothee Chalamet, you’ll know the inspiration for John Conlon.
  • If you like music, you’re welcome to listen to the We Still Live theme song, “I Found” by Amber Run.
  • A lot of the mental health issues in this book are autobiographical, especially the anxiety. My symptoms increase with every new shooting in America. Despite this, like John, I’m doing my best to thrive with the help of the people I love.
  • There’s a lot of heavy stuff in this book, but there’s sexy-sex time between John and Isaac, too, so please do enjoy those scorching moments. I know I do (wink).

A quick excerpt!!

“You look like I feel.”

“And how do you feel?” Isaac asked.

“Like I want to bury my head in a hole. Or get messy drunk.” John lifted his glass in an unreciprocated toast and drank.

“This is going to sound really insensitive, but can I ask you a question?”

John shrugged.

“The shooting.”

John coughed once, quickly. A loud laugh from the hallway made him startle and look over his shoulder.

Isaac could have backpedaled—should have, based on the way his coworker now resembled a spooked deer—but in for a penny. “Do you mind me asking what happened?”

John stared at him for a long moment before his mouth curved into something like a smile. The intelligent scrutiny of his gaze disappeared in a haze of what Isaac assumed was memory. Then he said, “You don’t know,” with an abundance of relief.

“I know it’s very ignorant of me, and possibly callous, but no.”

John traced his pale finger along the edge of the bookcase. “It was on College Green last June. The College of Arts and Sciences award ceremony. One of our students started shooting, and he eventually shot himself.”

“You were there?”

John laughed, which seemed sorely out of place. “Yeah, I was there. All of us were there.” He leaned closer, so close Isaac smelled bourbon on his breath. “A word of advice: don’t ask anyone else about it unless you’re really good with tears.”

Isaac shifted from one foot to the other. “You’re not crying.”

“No.” He finished his glass and spun around. “I need more alcohol.” It felt like a brush-off, an escape.

“John. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“You didn’t.” He tapped his palm on the doorframe and looked back. “You know, you don’t have to stay here hiding. It’s painful watching introverts try to acclimate in social situations.”

Isaac smirked. “How do you know I’m an introvert?”

“We recognize our own kind, man. Every day of my life, my mantra is ‘Don’t be awkward.’”

“How’s that working for you?”

“Not well.” John smiled, rows of white teeth on display, and Isaac felt like the sun shined on his face. “Nice meeting you, Isaac. Now, go the fuck home.”


Destiny's Dark Light · Halloween Town · Modeling · Ohio

Halloween Photo Shoot 2019

It’s beginning to seem like every Halloween Steph Gentry, Megan Lacy Sullivan, and I do a spooky photo shoot. It was originally unintentional; now, I’m beginning to think it’s intentional. We all just LOVE this time of year so hard … and we all love being creepy.

This year, we returned to the Madison Seminary in Madison, Ohio. The seminary was recently featured on A&E’s Ghost Hunters TV show, because apparently something like 200 people have died there. Last year when we did our photo shoot, Steph and I heard footsteps coming down an empty hallway, and an antique wheelchair snuck up behind me (and scared the shit out of Steph).

Anyway, once Steph saw the costume I was wearing for my Destiny’s Dark Light book launch parties, there was zero question we were going back to Madison.

Photos by Steph Gentry; hair by Megan Lacy Sullivan of Nevermore Salon and Studios.

In celebration of Halloween 2019, I offer you Sara as an evil witch specter creature who, like, eats children for breakfast. (That’s as specific as we got with our theme.) HAVE A SPOOKY DAY!

We Still Live

WE STILL LIVE cover reveal and giveaway

I owe Natasha Snow Designs my first born for this cover design because I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

Centered around the aftermath of a college shooting, We Still Live was not easy to write … and it might not always be easy to read due to its heavy subject matter. There are definite moments of levity, though, and sexy sex. (Gotta have the sexy sex.)

About the book:

Running from a scandal that ruined his life, Isaac Twain accepts a teaching position at Hambden University where, three months prior, Professor John Conlon stopped a campus nightmare by stepping in front of an active shooter.

When John and Isaac become faculty advisors for the school’s literary magazine, their professional relationship evolves. Despite the strict code of conduct forbidding faculty fraternization, they delve into a secret affair—until Simon arrives.

Isaac’s violent ex threatens not only their careers, but also John’s life. His PTSD triggered, John must come to terms with that bloody day on College Green while Isaac must accept the heartbreak his secrets have wrought.

John is one of my favorite characters I’ve ever written, and Isaac is all of us, helplessly watching the horror of our modern world while trying to piece together the man he loves.

This beauty will be available December 9, and I’m equally excited and terrified because this is a novel rife with tough stuff. Tragic death is terrible; what happens to the people left behind?

Now, the fun part:

I’m giving away TWO advance review eBook copies of We Still Live. To enter my little contest, comment on this blog post!!

One caveat: if you enter, that means you’re promising to review We Still Live on Goodreads and Amazon once you’re finished reading. Cool? Cool.


Destiny's Dark Light

“Are you witches?”

“This is going to sound odd, I assume, but are you witches?”

(Ohhhh, poor Liam. This sexy Irishman has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.)

Destiny’s Dark Light, my witchy Southern romance, is out TODAY from Pen and Kink Publishing. It’s time to meet the charmingly befuddled Liam and prophesied super witch Cyan. Can their destined love survive a war?

About the book:

In modern day Charleston, two fated lovers meet at the beginning of a world-ending witch war…

Cyan Burroughs is a lonely light witch prophesied to battle the dreaded Dorcha—a dark sorcerer with the power to rule the world. There’s one problem: Cyan doesn’t have any powers of her own.

An unknown witch flips a trolley and causes mass carnage, and Cyan’s dormant magic awakens. When she drags handsome Irishman Liam Cody from the wreckage, she recognizes his face from her aunt’s psychic portraits. He is the man Cyan is destined to love.

As she and her magical family seek to unveil the murderous witch who caused the accident, Cyan and Liam grow closer, but Liam’s mysterious past is not the only thing keeping them apart.

Dark witches and light will soon fight to the death, and Cyan must face her calling. How can she protect Liam and win the war when her immense powers are barely under control?

Learn more about DDL:


Why is this dark romance set in Charleston, SC?

Amazing reader reviews!!


Many thanks to Pen and Kink Publishing for loving this book and giving it a happy home.

As Halloween creeps ever closer, this is the perfect time of year to curl up with some pumpkin coffee (or, better yet, pumpkin beer) and read a spooky book by the fire. (Destiny’s Dark Light comes to mind.)

The air grows crisper. Whispering wind ruffles the changing leaves. Ignore that flash of light in the night; it’s probably just Cyan protecting the man she loves.

books · Halloween Town · Ohio

I’m feeling very haunted

Boo!! Scared ya! HAHAHAHA!!

It’s creeping ever closer to my favorite time of year. Halloween time. It’s almost time for ghouls and goblins, so as a pre-October treat, HAUNTED is out today! Read all about this fantastic anthology, featuring my short story, “I Spy.”

About the book:

Not all ghost stories are simple sightings and things going bump in the night. Not all ghosts are left behind because of simple unfinished business. No, sometimes that unfinished business is messy, complicated, and even deadly.

These are not your typical ghost stories—they are desire, love, and most importantly, revenge—all rolled into one. Revenge for a love stolen away, a love that never was, a retribution for a horrific act, or even an act of war.

Containing original stories and poetry by A.K. Alexander, Sara Dobie Bauer, Clint Collins, Harley Easton, Rhonda Parrish, Wendy Sparrow, Elesha Teskey, and ReLynn Vaughn.

I’ll give you a little teaser of my short story.

“I Spy” is about a happy young couple who wanna fix up an old seminary and make it a home for troubled kids. Well, there’s plenty of trouble when the vengeful ghost of a dead nun gets involved.

(Interestingly, “I Spy” is based on an actual place near my house called Madison Seminary that I’ve toured several times. Learn more about this haunted attraction HERE.)

Now, the tease …

“I Spy” (excerpt)
By Sara Dobie Bauer

“Look, I know we’re not supposed to talk about this, but …” I chew my fingernail. “The ghost stories.”

Tyler freezes, and I wish I could see his face. He can’t hide anything from me if I can see his face. “Tell me you haven’t been on Google. You promised.”

“I know, I … I haven’t been on Google, Tyler.”

He shimmies backwards out of the hole in the wall, and I snort.

“You have a million cobwebs in your hair, love. You look like a piece of that old furniture in the basement.”

He uses the back of his hand to push too-long locks from his forehead. “Bean, there’s no such thing as ghosts.”

“Right. Logically.” I bury my hands in my pockets. I don’t remember what it’s like to feel warm. “Look, logically, I know, ghosts aren’t real. It’s just, I’ve had some strange things happen, like my things goin’ missing, and sometimes I feel like I’m being watched.”

“Shit, can you actually feel when I’m checking out your ass?”

I clear my throat and glare.

He hops up to his feet, and I reach to dust off his hair, which takes me back to the first time we met when I helped clean vomit from his head.

Unlike Tyler, I come from a well-to-do family. For his job, Dad moved us from Ireland to Cleveland, Ohio, when I was sixteen, so maybe I did a bit of acting out, which ended with me having to do community service. Thanks to my underage drinking, the judge sent me to volunteer at a homeless shelter, which I thought would be just bloody awful.

Instead, I walked in to see this six-foot guy in hand-me-down clothes with the most beautiful face I’d ever seen, holding a bucket while some kid puked through withdrawal symptoms. The kid missed and ended up puking all over Tyler. I considered it my judge-appointed civic duty to assist the hot guy. That was seven years ago.

Now, I’m a business major at Cleveland State University, Tyler is an entrepreneur, and we often talk about adult things like marriage and kids—eventually.

He rubs his nose against mine. “Ghosts aren’t real.”

“But bad things happened here, right?”

He tilts his chin down. “Bad things happen everywhere.”

The scars on his body are proof of that—but that’s not what we’re discussing.

“People died here, though. Right? Like, in bad ways.”

He scratches his head, and I sneeze on released dust.

“Bless you,” he mutters.

“Tell me.”

He glances back at the hole in the wall, eyes puffy because he hasn’t been sleeping enough. “Let me just finish this. Why don’t you go downstairs, make some of your gross tea.” He only drinks coffee. “And we’ll talk. Just give me twenty.”

I hug my sweater-clad arms and nod. He kisses my forehead and crawls back into the hole in the wall, leaving me near him but alone in the long hallway on the fourth floor with tiles that look like eyes of a storm. Some of the tiles are rotted away, but the ones that remain are red and white and I swear they stare at me.

Wanna know what happens next? Duh, of course you do!

I hope you enjoy this haunting collection and that it gets you ready for the SPOOKIEST time of year!

Destiny's Dark Light

You gotta see the magical cover for Destiny’s Dark Light!!!

Destiny’s Dark Light as a stand-alone novel has been in the works for YEARS. Originally released as part of the Enchanted Trilogy from Pen & Kink Publishing, this witchy romance will now be available as one complete paperback and eBook October 15. Yep, just in time for Halloween!!!

First, about the book:

In modern day Charleston, two fated lovers meet at the beginning of a world-ending witch war …

Cyan Burroughs is a lonely light witch prophesied to battle the dreaded Dorcha—a dark sorcerer with the power to rule the world. There’s one problem: Cyan doesn’t have any powers of her own.

An unknown witch flips a trolley and causes mass carnage, and Cyan’s dormant magic awakens. When she drags handsome Irishman Liam Cody from the wreckage, she recognizes his face from her aunt’s psychic portraits. He is the man Cyan is destined to love.

As she and her magical family seek to unveil the murderous witch who caused the accident, Cyan and Liam grow closer, but Liam’s mysterious past is not the only thing keeping them apart.

Dark witches and light will soon fight to the death, and Cyan must face her calling. How can she protect Liam and win the war when her immense powers are barely under control?

***Destiny’s Dark Light is a M/F paranormal romance featuring star-crossed lovers, witches, Southern flair, mild sexual content, and violence.***

Now (drum roll), the stunning cover:


As I mentioned, Destiny’s Dark Light will be available in paperback and eBook on October 15. For now, you’re welcome to add this witchy wonder to your Goodreads list and pre-order the eBook on Amazon!

(Have some DDL aesthetics, featuring Charleston, the delicious Benedict Cumberbatch, and the gorgeous Angelina Jolie, all inspirations for this magical romance.)